About me

Research ﹒ Engineering ﹒ Advocacy

👉🏽 |  (Last modified on Jun 9, 2023)

Thanks for stopping by! Hello - I’m Nitya 👋🏽!

5️⃣ Things About Me

  1. I am a Phd in Computer Engineering. My thesis focused on building middleware for survivable distributed Java systems. I also explored secure group communication protocols and mobile agent frameworks for e-commerce.
  2. I am a Proud Parent. This is a role that sparks joy. I am invested in helping this next generation learn to be creative, curious and compassionate in all facets. I’m currently exploring how we can use Cloud and AI to build self-guided learning tools with my 14yo.
  3. I am a Visual Storyteller I’ve always been a fan of handwritten notes, but only recently discovered “sketchnoting” was a formal skill. I love visualizing complex tech concepts or content, and helping people learn to do the same. See @sketchthedocs for more.
  4. I am a Polyglot Innovator With 25+ years of software research, engineering and advocacy experience behind me, I’ve learned to connect the dots across languages, frameworks and ideas in ways that create differentiation. I have 12+ issue patents and more pending.
  5. I am a Technology Advocate In the past decade I realized the power of community and advocacy as a way to grow awareness and engagement with new ideas and technologies at scale. I like to build things that help people learn - from rapid prototypes to training content.

🔗 Why “Connecting Dots”?

I love visual metaphors and word play. “Connect The Dots” works at multiple levels:

  • As a visual storyteller, connecting the dots is the “hello world” for building up your sketching or writing skills. It is the perfect metaphor for getting your fundamentals right before tackling complex problems.
  • As an innovator, the dictionary definition of connect the dots as “bringing together information from different places” is inspired. I view it as my signature skill, using decades of experience to make connections or observe patterns in ways that help transfer knowledge.
  • As a parent, connect the dots will forever be the simplest of games that demonstrates a subtle degree of strategy in thinking and planning ahead. It is also one of the most inclusive games for all ages - requiring just a pen, paper and your competitive spirit.

This blog is primarily to help me capture and share insights into the changing technology landscape through source code, sketchnotes and systems thinking. Beware. Here be dragons 🐉.

(Last modified on Jun 9, 2023)