Application Development

Cloud-native, Web and Mobile Apps

👉🏽 |  (Last modified on Aug 2, 2023)

This page highlighs articles (pages and blog posts) grouped around topics in in end-to-end application development and tooling, with emphasis on cloud-native technologies and modern web platforms.

#001 | Developer Experience

Collection focused on developer tools for improving dev productivity in building modern web apps end-to-end. Devops tools for CI/CD and testing will be under Automation.

#002 | Cloud Skills

Collection focused on understanding cloud-native concepts, services and architectures with some emphasis on practical guides for cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure.

#003 | Deconstruct/Ed

Collection focused on learning how to build complex applications or solutions by deconstructing real-world examples from open-source reference implementations.

(Last modified on Aug 2, 2023)