Hello World!!

Exploring Apps, AI and Automation!

Hello World!!

Exploring Apps, AI and Automation!

👉🏽 |  (Last modified on Jun 9, 2023)

This is not my first blogging journey. Nor, I suspect, will it be my last. The difference though is the timing. Before -Previously, I had lots of small observations and an active townsquare to share them in. Now that I want thoughtful conversations, the townsquare became tumbleweed city. 🤔 Oh I know .. Have domain? Will blog!. ✍🏽

There are undoubtedly a few catalysts.

First, is the dawn of “AI-first” thinking in the industry. It puts me in mind of the mobile revolution a couple of decades ago, where a steady pace of innovation suddenly hit a tipping point with the iPhone, opening the door to a flood of innovation from operating systems to application stores and multi-screen experiences. I see a similarity today, except the scale and power of AI is not limited by the physical boundaries of a hardware device. And now that the early buzz has settled, this was a good time to start playing around in that sandbox.

Second, is the absolutely unanticipated tailspin in social networks. Gone is the single digital watercooler of Twitter, replaced with fragmented social presence and a topsy-turvy timeline algorithm that diluted the value of our pithy off-the-cuff observations and deliberate long-form threads. It made me want to get back to long-form content, with substance and persistence - and most importantly, a sense of ownership. This time, I told myself, I will be the canonical source so I never have to worry about broken links and paywalled conversations.

Last but not least, I spent a year helping author content and drive large campaigns to make technology more understandable to audiences. And it made me realize just how much I love the creative process behind authoring a blog post. I missed it. Not only does writing provide a really tangible way to ’let go’ of something by putting words to paper, it also has the subtle self-care effect of slowing you down so you think about things with more deliberation than you would a tweet.

So here we go again. It’s August 1st - and a perfect time for Adventures in AI, Apps and Automation. Excited to plan out and write posts again!